Thielemann, Father William A., S.S.

Thielemann, Father William A., S.S. 2000, September 12 Date of Birth: 1916, April 25 January 27, 2001 Every human life is a mixture of highs and lows; and the greater the happiness during peak periods the more painful are the descents into times of disappointment....

Becker, Father Charles Joseph, S.S.

Becker, Father Charles Joseph, S.S. 2000, May 18 Date of Birth: 1924, September 28 May 30, 2003 50th ordination anniversary of Father Becker Some days before his death, Father Charles J. Becker, S.S., wrote a letter to the staff of the St. John of God Unit at St....

Norris, Father Frank Birkett, S.S.

Norris, Father Frank Birkett, S.S. 2000, January 7 Date of Birth: 1925, July 29 One evening in the fall of 1992 a Vietnamese seminarian new to St. Patrick’s was walking with Father Frank Norris on the seminary grounds. The student’s eye was caught by the bumper...

O’Neil, Father Maurice Leo, S.S.

O’Neil, Father Maurice Leo, S.S. 1999, November 27 Date of Birth: 1931, April 4 January 6, 2000 The Loma Prieta earthquake on October 17, 1989 began at 5:04 p.m., PDT and, according to official records, lasted 15 seconds. But in that quarter of a minute it caused the...

Eaton, Father Vincent Moore, S.S.

Eaton, Father Vincent Moore, S.S. 1999, November 14 Date of Birth: 1915, June 9 January 25, 2000 Among the holdings of the Sulpician Archives at Catonsville is a slim volume of 86 pages entitled Ordinary Priest: Autobiographical Sketches, written in 1991-92 by Father...