Joubert, Father James Hector Nicolas
1843, November 5
Date of Birth: 1777, September 6
November 30, 1843
In a letter sent to us from Baltimore, we learn of the loss we have just sustained in one of our confreres, Father Joubert. Father Hector James Nicolas Joubert was born on September 6, 1777 at St. Jean d’Angely in St. Onge. At the age of four he moved with his family to Beauvais; there, he entered the military academy in his twelfth year. He left there on the death of Louis XVI [1793] and became an employee of the tax office. In the year 1801 he went to San Domingo, where he held some lands. Obliged to leave there about two years later, he sought refuge in Jamaica, then in Cuba; eventually, he came to Baltimore in 1804. The following year he entered the seminary and was ordained to the priesthood in 1810. From that time until his death, he worked at St. Mary’s College, as prefect, as professor, and as vice-president; he had a particular penchant for the office of Prefect of Discipline. In 1828, he founded a community of black nuns; the community still exists and continues to render outstanding service to other blacks. What is especially memorable about him was his tender devotion to the Sacrament of the Altar; he himself gave It honor and promoted Its honor among others with all his might. His greatest joy during his long and painful illness was to receive Holy Communion when his state of health would not allow him to offer Mass. He received Holy Communion for the last time on All Saints Day and gave up his soul on November 5th at the age of sixty-six years and two months. I ask for him the prayers and the customary remembrances.

Fr. Joubert