Emery, Father Jacques André
1811, April 28
Date of Birth: 1732, August 26
April 30, 1811
Very Reverend Superior:
Toward you and your devoted confreres who with you conduct your seminary, I herewith discharge an extremely painful duty, the very thought of which fills me with sorrow. God, however, requires of us a complete and perfect submission. Let us then reconcile ourselves to Heaven’s decrees and bless the hand of God that deals us so severe a blow.
Last Sunday, April 28th, at about two in the afternoon – at the age of almost 79 – death came to Father Jacques Andre Emery, a priest holy and venerable, a superior watchful and zealous, a mind brilliant and accomplished, a heart large and raised up and strong in the midst of difficulties, a soul filled with priestliness and endowed with the eminent virtues which enhance the holiest of priests. His illness had lasted only five days; he succumbed to a complex of ills which might well have cut down even a younger and stronger man.
I cannot put into words the dismay which his death has occasioned throughout this city. His illness was a matter of concern to all who knew him - and who did not! The seminary was constantly crowded with people of all kinds who came seeking news about him.

Fr. Emery
Although we cannot doubt that his pure soul is now certain of happiness, I beg you – since even the greatest of saints have always some faults to expiate - to pray for him and for all of us that God may console us for so serious a loss. Very especially, I recommend myself to your prayers that Divine Providence may strengthen me amidst the cares that so unexpected a death thrust upon me. I am, Very Reverend Superior,
Your very obedient and humble servant,