Chicoisneau, Father Jean Baptist

1818, February 23

Date of Birth:  1738 (estimated)

May 17, 1818

No Memorial Card is Available

We have just received a distressing report about Father Jean Baptist Chicoisneau, former superior of the minor seminary of Lyon and later director of the Grand Seminary of Paris.  Living in Canada since the Revolution, he made his contribution there by work undertaken from long experience and an edifying life. The Lord called him to Himself at the end of February last at the age of 80.  Please offer the customary prayers for this confrere. 

I have the honor, etc.


Although Father Duclaux' letter does not mention it, Father Chicoisneau arrived in Baltimore in 1792, destined for the western missions of Bishop Carroll’s diocese. He remained at the Seminary as treasurer, Father Levadoux going west in his place. In 1796, at his own request, he left Baltimore for Montreal.