U.S. Province of Sulpicians Elects Provincial*

Provincial Superior Rev. Daniel F. Moore, P.S.S.
Meeting at the Center for Continuing Formation of St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore, Maryland on May 19, 2022, the Provincial Assembly of the Sulpician Province of the USA has elected Daniel F. Moore, P.S.S., as Provincial Superior. The Assembly, which was delayed since 2020 because of the pandemic, will proceed to elect the members of the Provincial Council and attend to other business until Tuesday, May 24th. Fr. Moore will serve a term of six years starting July 1. He had succeeded as Acting Provincial the late Rev. John C. Kemper, P.S.S., who died unexpectedly in May 2020.
Sulpician Father Daniel F. Moore is a native of Memphis, Tennessee. He is an alumnus of St. Mary’s Seminary & University, Baltimore (1984), and a priest of the Diocese of Memphis. Fr. Moore entered the Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice on July 1, 2000, after serving 16 years as a diocesan priest—notably as a president/principal of a diocesan high school and middle school, a pastor, secretary to presbyteral council, and member of the college of diocesan consultors. He is also an alumnus of the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome), earning his doctorate at the university in February 2006.
Fr. Moore’s dissertation, “Jesus, An Emerging Jewish Mosaic, Jewish Perspectives, Post-Holocaust,” was well received. As a consequence, he was invited as a presenter at The International Symposium on the Historical Jesus, Second Princeton-Prague Symposium on Jesus in Princeton, New Jersey, on April 21, 2007, at the Princeton Theological Seminary.
Subsequently, his dissertation was published by T & T Clark (Continuum International) in 2008 as Volume 2 in their series, Jewish and Christian Texts in Contexts and Related Studies.
Fr. Moore served as the Sulpician Director of Discernment & Admission, 2009-2018, and concomitantly the Director of Communications, 2012-2016. He also served as the Provincial Secretary of the U.S. Province, 2011-2017. During an earned 2016 sabbatical, he was a Visiting Fellow, Catholic University of Louvain, Faculty of Theology & Religious Studies and a Visiting Scholar, Boston College, School of Theology & Ministry. Prior to his appointment to Baltimore, Fr. Moore served on the formation faculty of Theological College, the National Seminary of The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, 2004-2011, and as an adjunct lecturer at The School of Theology and Religious Studies (CUA), 2005-2008. Administratively, he served as the Vice Rector and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Theological College, 2007-2011.
In the fall of 2017, he rejoined the formation and academic faculty at St. Mary’s, Baltimore, lecturing in systematic theology. In August of 2019, he was appointed Vice-President of Strategic Initiatives. He serves also as one of the Honorary Chairs of the Campaign Executive Committee, St. Mary’s Seminary & University, 21st Century Capital Campaign, Baltimore, MD. Fr. Moore was elected to the Provincial Council in 2009 as First Consultor, serving two consecutive terms, 2009- 2015 and 2015-2020. On May 1, 2020, upon the resignation of the Provincial, Fr. John Kemper, PSS, due to terminal illness, Fr. Moore assumed the office as the Acting Provincial Superior.
For further information, please contact the Provincial House at (410-323-5070).