Wheeler, Father Michael Francis
1832, May 11
June 18, 1832

No Memorial Card is Available
The Society has just received sad news about Father Michael Francis Wheeler, who died on May 11th in the United States at the Seminary of Baltimore after receiving all the Sacraments of the Church. Father Wheeler was a native of the Baltimore area and received his education in the college and seminary we conduct there. Ordained to the priesthood in Baltimore, he was sent to make his Solitude at Issy. After two years there he returned to Baltimore, where, at the college – with good success – he taught mathematics and physics; for he had great ability. After suffering for more than two years from an infection of the throat, he at length died; in his illness he exhibited the deepest piety. Before allowing himself to be anointed, he asked those present to request pardon for him for all the violations of the rule of which he believed himself at fault; and begged them to join with him in prayer to obtain by the mercy of God the remission of all his sins. I recommend him to the holy Masses and prayers customary in the Society at such a time.