Wall, Father Frederick
1916, September 16
Date of Birth: 1888, March 22

No Memorial Card is Available
Frederick Hallett Wall was born on March 22, 1888, in Stourbridge, England. He entered St. Mary’s Seminary in 1906, and during his seminary years he became a candidate for St. Sulpice. While still a candidate he became ill from tuberculosis in 1912 and was a patient in the State Sanatorium in Frederick County, Maryland. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 17, 1913 for the Diocese of Monterey-Los Angeles; for his family lived in California. Early in 1914, he became a patient in St. Joseph’s Sanatorium in Asheville, North Carolina. While there, he was informed by Father Edward Dyer, Vicar General of St. Sulpice for the United States, that his name had been inscribed in the “Golden Book,” the official registry of Sulpician priests – (The Golden Book is in the custody of the Superior General in Paris).
In April 1915, he came to Baltimore for a short visit and then went to Long Beach, California. He briefly served in a parish in Riverside, California, but in November of 1915, he was a patient at St. Thomas’s Sanatorium in Mentone, California. After a brief time at St. Joseph’s Sanatorium in Silver City, New Mexico, he returned to Mentone in August of 1916. In September of that year he moved to Long Beach to be near his family; on the 16th of September he died. His body was brought back to Baltimore for burial in the Sulpician cemetery at St. Mary’s Seminary.
Adapted from data assembled by Father John Bowen, S.S., in the Sulpician Archives, Baltimore.