Pluchon, Father Hippolyte
1944, May 17
Date of Birth: Not Stated
Hippolyte Pluchon came to the United States in 1890. He was, until 1895, at St. Mary’s Seminary, where he taught Scripture and Church History and acted as Master of Ceremonies. He returned to his home in Boussay, France, in the summer of 1895, evidently with the expectation of coming back to St. Mary’s for the next year’s resumption of classes. He seems to have received word sometime in July or August that he was not to return; for in September of 1895 he was assigned as an assistant in La Flocellière. He no longer regarded himself as a Sulpician. Later he was changed to St. Gilles. He died on May 17, 1944.
Adapted from letters of Father Pluchon in Sulpician Archives, Baltimore.

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