Nagot, Father Charles
1816, April 9
Date of Birth: 1734, April 20
June 2, 1816
I have just learned of the death of the revered Father Charles Nagot. He died at Baltimore, in the United States of America, on April 9th last at the age of 82 after receiving the last sacraments in a highly edifying manner. He was one of the most virtuous and holy priests of the Society. After having been a superior of great wisdom and untiring zeal in the Little Community and the Little Seminary of St. Sulpice in Paris, he was, in 1791, sent to Baltimore to begin there a seminary of St. Sulpice which, for the establishing and strengthening of religion in the United States is already extremely successful and which, from all appearances, will by degrees be even more so as time goes on.
His duties did not in the least deter him from writing several works of piety quite worth publication: among others, both a rather detailed life of our holy founder Father Olier, and the last volume of a “Lives of the Saints,” a volume translated from the English by Father Godescard.
It was my privilege to be trained by him during my years of study in the Little Community, and I can guarantee that that house has had few superiors more capable than he in maintaining there the spirit of piety and regularity which must characterize all seminaries.

Fr. Nagot
Although I am quite convinced that a soul so holy and so united with God in almost constant prayer enjoys in heaven the fruit of its vast labors and the habitual suffering of the last years of his life, I ask you, nonetheless, to offer and have others offer the prayers which in our Society are customarily offered for our deceased confreres.