Elder, Father Alexis Joseph
1871, January 21
Date of Birth: 1791, October 15
November 28, 1871
Fathers and Very Dear Confreres:

No Memorial Card is Available
I bring together here the circular letters concerning those of our confreres who died from January 9th to July 3rd, and whose death has been made known to you by personal correspondence which must have come to you. If anyone has perhaps not learned of these deaths, he should – as soon as possible – satisfy the obligations which our rules prescribe for deceased confreres.
January 21, 1871
Father Alexis Joseph Elder was born in Frederick County in the State of Maryland on October 15, 1791. He entered St. Mary’s [College] in 1811, and the Seminary of Baltimore in 1816; received tonsure from Archbishop Carroll; and ordination to the priesthood from Archbishop Marechal in 1820.
He was, in turn, Prefect of Students at St. Mary's College in 1817-1818, bookkeeper at the college in 1819, and taught accounting up to 1852.
At that time, while still residing at the major seminary, he was assigned as “pastor” of the faithful [who regarded the seminary chapel as their parish church].
He carried out his duties with a reliability which made a deep impression on everyone; with a zeal which made no distinction of persons and was never withheld. Although he had not worked at the seminary, dear to him was all that concerned the seminarians, for whose needs he used his small savings – a charity he kept up to his last days.
His health was always good, but soon after he had celebrated his fiftieth anniversary of ordination, he experienced a heart condition which – after some ups and downs – put him in danger. He received the sacraments and died on January 21, 1871. He was aged 79 years, 3 months and 6 days.
I again ask for our dear confreres the customary prayers.
Accept anew the assurance of my unwavering affection,
Superior of St. Sulpice