Desmond, Father John T.
1989, June 6
Date of Birth: 1926, October 19
Winter 1990
Father John Thomas Desmond (Hartford), pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Wethersfield, from 1976 to 1987 and pastor of Immaculate Conception, Norfolk, from 1987 until he retired late last year because of illness, died June 6 in St. Peter Claver rectory, where he has been living since he retired. After ordination he had joined the Sulpicians and taught at major seminaries in Kenmore, WA and in Plymouth, MI, where he was also dean of men. He left the Sulpicians in 1969 and returned to Hartford. A concelebrated Mass of Christian Burial was offered for him June 9 in St. Peter Claver, with Archbishop John F. Whealon as the principal concelebrant. Other concelebrants included Bishop John F. Hackett and Bishop Paul S. Loverde. Father William L. Traxl was the homilist. Burial was in Mount St. Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield.
Death notice placed in St. Mary’s Seminary Alumni Bulletin, Winter 1990.

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