Baron, Father Michel
1990, February 6
Date of Birth: 1914, October 13
February 6, 1990
Dear Confreres:
We received a telephone call from the French provincial, Father Charles Bonnet, who told us that Father Michel Baron died today. Michel returned to France from a monastery in Africa about six months ago.
Michel Baron was born in 1914 and ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Paris in 1951 and completed his Solitude the following year. After earning the S.T.D., he came to the United States and accepted an appointment to St. John’s Provincial Seminary, Plymouth, MI, where he taught dogmatic theology and patrology from 1954 to 1969. Twice during that time, he returned to France, first to teach at Clermont-Ferrand from 1959 to 1961, and again during the school year of 1967-68, which he spent in a monastery. Returning to the United States, Michel joined the faculty of St. Thomas Seminary in Seattle and taught dogmatic and ascetical theology until 1973.
The following year Father Baron was transferred by the Province of France to the seminary of Ouidah in Benin, Africa, and there he taught theology and served as librarian until 1982. That year he entered a monastery in Togo, where he lived until his recent return to France.
His presence in our Province for those many years was a blessing for which we are deeply grateful to our sister Province. In accord with our custom, each Sulpician will celebrate the Eucharist for our departed confrere.
With every best wish, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
William J. Lee, S.S.
Provincial Secretary

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