Fr. Thomas R. Ulshafer, PSS, Retires as General Treasurer of the Society
After many years of service (2016–2023), Fr. Thomas R. Ulshafer, PSS, informed Very Rev. Shayne Craig, PSS, Superior General of The Priests of St. Sulpice, his desire to step down from the position of General Treasurer for the Society.
During his time as Treasurer, significant work has been done regarding investments, to ensure the economic stability of the Generalate. for the instruction, formation, and retirement), as well as to recognize and protect the patrimony, by way of improving the Archives (with projects to improve the physical housing of the Archives, the undertaking of their digitization, the improvement of personnel services, etc.).
Fr. Robert J. Cro, PSS, was nominated and approved as the new General Treasurer effective January 1, 2024. Fr. Cro has a background in Classical Archeology and is an alumnus of St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore. He has a licentiate in Church History from the Pontifical Gregorian University. Currently, Fr. Cro is the Coordinator of Human Formation and Dean of Men at Theological College of The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He is a member of the Province Finance Committee.
At the conclusion of December 2023 General Council meetings in Paris, which included the three provincials, the general treasurer, and his successor, Fr. Daniel Moore, PSS, US Provincial Superior, hosted a celebratory dinner to congratulate Fr. Ulshafer for his many years of service as general treasurer. The US confreres attending the meetings in Paris joined the host and honoree at a well-regarded brasserie chosen for the event. Fr. Robert Cro was also welcomed as the new general treasurer.