Fr. Gladstone H. “Bud” Stevens Appointed Rector of Theological College
At the Theological College opening Mass on August 27, 2024, Fr. Gladstone “Bud” Stevens, PSS, PhD, was installed as the eighteenth rector of Theological College of The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, presided over a Mass, which was honored by 26 concelebrants, among whom were former TC rectors Fr. Lawrence Terrien, PSS, and Fr. Mel Blanchette, PSS. Fr. Ronald Witherup, PSS, attended as Fr. Daniel F. Moore’s provincial representative, given his absence due to his sister’s recent death. Fr. Witherup offered opening remarks and later introduced Fr. Stevens as an excellent, highly qualified candidate for rector to Cardinal Gregory, who confirmed the proceedings.

Fr. Stevens with Cardinal Wilton Gregory
After leading the congregation in the Profession of Faith and pronouncing and signing the Oath of Fidelity as rector, Fr. Stevens offered remarks inspired by a surprise gift he received that morning from his sisters, Pamela Stevens and Dr. Sandra Stevens, who attended the installation. “Pelagianism is the most pernicious of all heresies precisely because it denies the absolute necessity for grace. The gift of a new Liturgy of the Hours from my sisters reminded me that everything in ministry must begin with, be sustained by, and lead to ever deeper prayerful encounters with Christ. The work of priestly formation begins with Christ’s compassion upon the crowd who were like sheep without a shepherd. The whole work of the seminary must be an extension of the Lord’s compassion and His promise that He would send them shepherds.
Fr. Stevens, a priest of the Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky, was ordained in 2000, and joined the Sulpicians in 2002. He is a member of the Provincial Council of the Society of St. Sulpice, Province of the United States, and is the First Consultor. A native of Connecticut, he was raised in Nashville, Tennessee. He graduated from Quincy College in Illinois in 1989, and earned a doctorate in theology from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1997. His specialization is systematic theology, and he regularly teaches courses on the priesthood, and the Eucharist.
Fr. Stevens has served on the formation and academic faculties of St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland, and as its academic dean, praeses, and vice rector. He also served on the formation and academic faculties of St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, California and as academic dean, vice rector and rector. He was a member of the committee that composed the Sixth Edition of the Program for Priestly Formation for the United States. He is a highly regarded retreat and convocation leader for priests. He also regularly assists in parishes, celebrating liturgies and giving conferences. He is a chaplain for the Order of Malta.