Dujarié, Father Julien
1875, October 23
Date of Birth: 1832, December 22

No Memorial Card is Available
,Julien Dujarié was born on December 22, 1832, at Méhoudin in France. He began the study of Latin and Greek at the college of Couterne in October 1843. Five years later he entered the minor seminary of Séez and from there he went on to the major seminary in the same town; he received tonsure and minor orders there. Since he was quite young, he went in October 1853 to teach at Domfort in St. Charles College. After that he returned to the major seminary for Theology. He became a subdeacon on December 23, 1853 (?), and a deacon on June 2, 1855. His superiors then sent him to St. Sulpice, which he entered on October 12, 1855, to prepare himself to be a director in the major seminary of Séez. After a year in Paris he was admitted to the Solitude on October 18, 1856, and was ordained a priest on December 20th of the same year. The Solitude’s director was Father Faillon, who often spoke of the needs of St. Sulpice in the United States. Father Dujarié was moved by Father Faillon’s appeals, and he desired to consecrate his life to the work of St. Charles College in Ellicott City. Family pressures kept him from carrying out his desire, and he returned to his diocese.
He was appointed to the major seminary of Séez as a director in October 1857; he taught there Church History, Hebrew, and Holy Scripture. After six years he resolved to go to America; and, without warning relatives or friends, he went to Paris in October 1863. On October 4th he left Paris; on the 6th, he was in Liverpool, and from there he sailed for Boston. He expected to land on October 18th, but the Africa, on which he was sailing, was wrecked off the coast of North America, and the passengers had to be rescued.
He finally arrived in Baltimore on October 27, 1863. He stayed two days at St. Mary’s Seminary; and, on Thursday, October 29th, he went to St. Charles College. He taught there until 1869, when he was called to teach Philosophy in the major seminary in Baltimore.
For reasons of health he had to return to France in 1871. Because his health continued to deteriorate, he had to give up teaching to become chaplain in a rest home. Although he attempted to do as much priestly work as possible, his decline continued. He died on October 23, 1875.
Translated and adapted from Bibliotèque Sulpicienne, Volume II, pp.364-367.